Bulgarian pro-Russian party joins BRICS forum in Moscow

Revival, the third largest in the Bulgarian parliament, plans to send a delegation to a BRICS forum in Moscow later this month, Euractiv reports. Bulgaria has no formal relations with BRICS, and Revival holds only marginal influence in local governance.

The BRICS countries will convene under Russia’s presidency to discuss “experiences and ideas” and foster “effective business communications,” according to Revival’s description on its website. Revival leader Kostadin Kostadinov described the forum as an “opportunity to build diplomatic relations and develop potential partnerships with all countries of the world.”

Kostadinov also revealed that Revival intends to send a delegation to a BRICS summit in China in November, following an invitation from a high-ranking official in China’s Communist Party. Previously, Revival attended a conference hosted by Putin’s United Russia party before the European elections, subsequently aligning with the far-right Identity and Democracy group in the European Parliament. Currently, Revival is part of the Sovereignist group, following the Alternative for Germany party after it was expelled from the ID group.




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