BRICS space chiefs meet in Moscow

Interfax reports that the heads of BRICS space agencies, under Russia’s chairmanship, will meet in Moscow on Thursday.

Hosted by Roscosmos, Russia’s space agency, this gathering promises to be a platform for robust discussions on current and future space projects within the BRICS framework.

Over the past several years, BRICS space agencies have explored opportunities for cooperation and collaboration in space exploration. Areas of discussion included:

  • The possibility of establishing a BRICS remote sensing satellite constellation. Such a constellation could enhance Earth observation capabilities and facilitate data sharing among member nations for various applications, including environmental monitoring, disaster management, and agricultural planning.
  • Collaborating on space science research initiatives, including planetary exploration, astronomy, and astrophysics.
  • Collaborative programmes to train scientists, engineers, and technicians from member nations to help build indigenous capabilities and expertise in space technology.

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