South Africa might leave BRICS if opposition is elected

Speculation regarding a potential shift in South Africa’s foreign policy trajectory has surfaced, casting doubt on its continued membership in BRICS, contingent upon the outcome of upcoming elections. Mzuvukile Jeff Maqetuka, the Ambassador of South Africa to Russia, addressed this issue in an interview with TASS.

Maqetuka hinted that should the opposition secure victory in the presidential elections, South Africa might reassess its foreign policy orientation and withdraw from BRICS, echoing Argentina’s past departure. This speculation arises from perceived hostility from certain opposition factions toward Russia, prompting a potential reevaluation of diplomatic relations.

Emphasizing the uncertainty surrounding the electoral outcome, Maqetuka noted that while a win for the African National Congress (ANC) would likely maintain the current status quo, a triumph by the Democratic Alliance could lead to policy shifts. The ambassador pointed out the Democratic Alliance’s perceived less favorable stance toward Russia, indicating a potential departure from existing diplomatic ties.

South African President Cyril Ramaphosa has announced the forthcoming general elections scheduled for May 29, 2024. The winning party in these elections will nominate the new president of the country. The ruling African National Congress has already endorsed Ramaphosa as its presidential candidate, setting the stage for a significant electoral showdown.



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